Wladimir-Wolynsk Parish History
The Parish of Wladimir-Wolynsk (1891)
Of the three counties that made up the Roshischtsche Parish, Wladimir-Wolynsk (the other two were Luzk and Kowel) was chosen to be the sixth parish in Volhynia in 1891. It consisted of 32 colonies and about 12,000 people. The first pastor settled in Antonowka-Makowitsch where it was intended that a manse should be built. The project was postponed, however, and the inconveniences of renting in the village led the pastor in 1893 to find lodging in the town of Wladimir-Wolynsk, which then became the seat of the new "permanent adjunct". A manse was built there in 1899. The first German settlements in this area occurred about 1870 in Vizentow and Wyssoki.
(Editorial Note from Gerhard Koenig: The Colony Wincentow was founded in 1864. Nearby colonies such as Marynkow und Zaostrow were founded in 1865.)
By 1890 the parish had 32 chapels. A large church was built in the city between 1923 and 1927.
As in other parishes, many colonists who were faced with rising rents and discontinued leases were forced to emigrate. The number of parishioners in 1904 had grown only to 14,875. Many had emigrated to America and Siberia, and, after 1906, other left for Prussia and the Baltic area. After the travails of exile and rebuilding, during which time Pastor Bergmann from Cholm did his best to serve this and other parishes, progress occurred under Pastor Schoen. The Jesus Church was built in the Wladimir-Wolynsk between 1923 and 1927, the cost being born in part by free will contributions of 11 zlotys per Morgen from nearby villages and 1 zloty per Morgen from other villages. At this time also small churches were built in Miroslawow and Szczytniki (Schtschitnik), and new chapels were built in Dombrowa-Cholopetz, Zofjowka (Sophiewka), Neu-Zaturcy, Joachimowka, Janow, Wysokie and Antonowka-Ochnowka. The villages of Dombrowa-Cholopetz, Aleksandrowka, Markowka, Elisabetpol and Wandawola saw either the formation of new choirs or trombone ensembles, or the building or renovating of church schools.
Pastors in Wladimir-Wolynsk Parish
1891 1897 | Eduard Alexander HESSE |
1897 1908 | Hermann August HAENSCHKE |
1913 1915 | Erhard TORINUS |
1919 1921 | betreut von Pastor BERGMANN aus Cholm |
1922 1940 | Albert Arthur SCHOEN |
Evangelical Congregations in Wladimir-Wolynsk Parish
Albertinow | Kamelowka | Owlotschin |
Alesandrowka (near Markowitsch) | Karolin | Podsharki |
Alexandrowka* (near Kupitschew) | Kisselin | Popeluwka* |
Alexandrowka+ (near Osmigowitschi) | Kisselowka | Porizk |
Annanowka | Klein-Zeschin | Prygalowka* |
Antonew | Klementinow* | Radowiz |
Antonowka (near Mohylno) | Kohylno | Ruda (near Wolosowka) |
Antonowka (near Kotscher) | Kolpytow | Sabara |
Antonowka (near Borek) | Konstantinow | Sagatka~ |
Antonowka I+ (near Ochnowka) | Korytysk | Sapust (Zapust)+ |
Antonowka II (near Ochnowka) | Krat | Sarudle |
Antonowka*~ (near Makowitsch) | Kriwylosy | Scherakowka |
Augustow | Kurant | Schtschitnik (Szczytniki)* |
Barbarow* | Kurgan | Selono |
Beresk | Ledochow | Shurawez |
Berestowo | Leonin | Smolärnä |
Blashenik | Leonowka | Smolärnä |
Bludow | Leshachow*+ | Sofin* |
Boshjewole* | Lippe-Stanislawowka*~ | Sophiewka (Zofjowka)*+~ |
Dombrowo*+~ (near Cholopetsch) | Liski | Sorotschin |
Dombrowo* (near Pascheka) | Ludmilpol+ | Stawek |
Dombrowo~ (near Chmelew) | Ludniza | Stawek |
Dubrowa | Lukow | Stephanowka |
Eduardpol | Makow | Switke |
Elenow-Bereske*+ | Makow | Switschew |
Elisabethpol+ | Mankow~ | Switschewka*+ |
Ewin* | Mariannowka | Tarnowka |
Fedorpol | Marianowka~ (near Kolpytow) | Tekluwka~ |
Glembotschitz | Marienpol | Tereschkewiz |
Gnoino | Marinkow-Beresk* | Tristak |
Golärka | Markowka+ | Tschernyless |
Grabina | Marzelowka* | Tumin |
Grebelki | Masärnä Chutor | Viktorowka |
Gruschowka* | Medweschji Jamy | Vizentow*+ |
Haike I and II | Michailowka~ | Wandawola*+ |
Helenowka | Michailowka* (near Markowitsch) | Werba |
Helenowka | Miroslawow*~ | Weresowka |
Horochow | Molochowtschina | Wilhelmowka |
Jadwigow | Moschtschanka+ | Wladimir-Wolynsk |
Jadwinin | Muntuwka | Wladislawow I and II |
Jamne | Nadeshdopol+ | Wodshinek |
Janow+~ | Neu-Pustomit+ | Wodshinow+~ |
Janowez+ | Neu-Saturzy (Neu Zaturzy)+~ | Wolosowka |
Jaschenowka+ | Neu-Switschew* | Wortschin+ |
Jaschinez | Nikolaipol | Wyssoki+~ |
Jershin | Nikolajewka I and II | Zapust (Sapust)+ |
Joachimowka*+~ | Nowina | Zeschin |
Julianowka (near Kolpytow) | Ostrow+ (near Wolosowka) | Zofjowka (Sophiewka)*+~ |
Julianowka | Ostrow | |
Kallinow | Ostrowtschisna |
+ village with a school which was usually also used as a chapel (Betsaal)
~ village with a separate chapel (Kapelle or more commonly, Betshaus)
* villages where land was owned by the farmer (in contrast to those where it was leased from a nobleman)
PINGOUD, G.: "Die evangelisch-lutherischen Gemeinden in Rußland", herausgegeben von der Unterstützungs-Kasse für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden in Rußland; Band 1: "Der St. Petersburgische und der Moskowische Konsistorialbezirk", St. Petersburg, 1909