Related Societies
The following is a list of societies or informal research groups, most with good web sites, who cover Germans in either the same regions as SGGEE or in related regions, either by migration pattern or by proximity to Russian Poland and Volhynia. For websites of individuals featuring our regions or for other ethnic groups, please use the Other Sites of Interest page.
North America
The Historical Society of Germans from Poland and Volhynia (HSGPV) - This society primarily functions to operate and maintain a library in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada which serves the needs of those researching in the subject regions. The foundation for the library consists of the private holdings of Ewald Wuschke, a major contributor to research in these areas in early years when information about these regions was more difficult to obtain. The library is located in the basement of Trinity Lutheran Church, 100 Street and 81 Avenue. It is open for both members and non-members every Thursday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Visitors from outside Edmonton can, if necessary, arrange for a private appointment at the library via email to HSGPV. Membership in the Society is open to any person over the age of eighteen years of age, who approaches a member of the Board.
Germans from Russia Heritage Society (GRHS) - Based in Bismarck, North Dakota, this Society fouses on Germans with roots in the Black Sea region including Kherson, Crimea, and Bessarabia.
Odessa Digital Library - A subset of GRHS, this site features extensive raw data for research, primarily in the Black Sea region but also including some details for Volhynia
German Russian Heritage Collection - This site, supported by North Dakota State University, features collections of materials primarily related to the Black Sea region but may include others as well.
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR) - This Society attempts to cover a variety of regions but its research focus is on the Volga River Germans along with those in Siberia and Khazakstan. Headquarters is in Lincoln, Nebraska.
AHSGR - Calgary Chapter - Local, very active, sub-group of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia.
Posen-L - Not a society, but rather a group of individuals who help to serve the genealogical needs of Germans and other ethnics in the Posen / Poznan region, just west of Russian Poland.
Galizien German Descendants - This society features assistance for Germans with Galician origins.
Bukovina Society of the Americas - This society serves a variety of ethnic groups in Bukovina but focuses on the Germans there.
Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS) - This is an umbrella society offering a means of cooperation between numerous individual ethnic and country based societies. By sharing research resources, opportunities are improved. By sharing in conferences, the work of individual groups is promoted and made known to others.
East European Genealogical Society (EEGS) - This multi-ethnic society covers all areas of Central and Eastern Europe (behind the former "iron curtain" plus Austria and Germany), but has the majority of its membership researching Galicia, Volhynia, Poland and Bukovina including the former German colonies.
Black Sea German Research - New group (as of July 2011) with focus on providing free genealogical information for those with German ancestry in the Black Sea region including Bessarabia. Provided in memory of the work done by researcher Dale Wahl. Includes free searchable database with over 1.2 million entries.
Germany - German only - A group of people support this website which serves Germans from Volhynia. Many of them who can communicate in English also actively support SGGEE. A secondary site to this one contains even more data in a WIKI page style format. The website is not directly affiliated with it by they are connected to Historischer Verein Wolhynien e.V. which publishes the German language magazine, Wolhynische Hefte
Museum in Linstow - German only - This museum features the life of Germans who lived in Volhynia.
Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familienforscher e.V. (AGoFF) - German with some pages in English (see top header) - This is an umbrella group that serves more than 35 smaller genealogical Societies in Germany, some of which cover the eastern regions. - German only - Similar to, this site was created by an individual (associated with AGoFF) to serve Germans from Middle Poland (= Russian Poland).