Radomysl Parish History

The Parish of Radomysl (1901)

The colonies within this parish, some of which dated back to the 1850s, were served until 1901 by the government pastor in Kiev. (The Parish of Kiev dated back to 1767, the pastor having been supported by the government since Catherine the Great funded this in 1787. In 1909 this support came from the city of Kiev.) The new parish included 28 colonies, 23 of which were in the County of Radomysl, 4 in Kiev County and 1 in Skwira County. A stately manse was built on land donated by the town of Radomysl in 1903, and funds were supplied for a church, but the only church building in the parish, as of 1909, was in Korostyschew. In 1904, by order of the Minister of the Interior, Radomysl's status was lifted from "Permanent Adjunct" to that of independent Parish.

Pastors in Radomysl Parish

1901 – 1904 Erich GUTKEWITSCH
1904 – 1907 Alfred KELLER
1912 – 1915 Emanuel Eugen BERG
1927 – Karl JENDE

Evangelical Congregations in Radomysl Parish

Alexandrowka I, II and III Kasimirowka+ Philonsdorf (Filonowka)+
Alinowka (Jelenowka) Korostyschew+ Priborsk
Andrejew+ Langwald (Gorodezkaja)+ Radomysl
Bystriewka Ludwigsdorf (Morogowka)+ Romansdorf (Romanowka, originally Doliwa)+
Chabnoje Marianowka I+ and II+ Russakowskaja Budischtsche
Doliwa (Romansdorf, Romanowka) Markowka+ Sadki+
Elowka+ Mokrez Schnurow-Ljess+
Filonowka (Philonsdorf) Morogowka (Ludwigsdorf) Sewerinowka
Friedrichswalde (Ossikowo)+ Naliwaikowka+ Stolpno
Gorodezkaja (Langwald) Negrebowka+ Strojowka+
Helenowka+ (near Gorbulew ) Nowostrojenje+ Warowsk+
Jelenowka (Alinowka) Orlik+ Werbowka+
Julianowka+ Ossikowo (Friedrichswalde) Wilhelmswalde+
Jurjewka+ Ossikowo
Karlufka (probably in Radomysl parish) Paulinowka

+ village with a school which was usually also used as a chapel (Betsaal)
~ village with a separate chapel (Kapelle or more commonly, Betshaus)
* villages where land was owned by the farmer (in contrast to those where it was leased from a nobleman)

PINGOUD, G.: "Die evangelisch-lutherischen Gemeinden in Rußland", herausgegeben von der Unterstützungs-Kasse für Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinden in Rußland; Band 1: "Der St. Petersburgische und der Moskowische Konsistorialbezirk", St. Petersburg, 1909

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