Dubno Parish History
The Parish of Dubno (1936)
Three new parishes were formed in the mid-1930s: Dubno and Kostopol in 1936 and Kowel in 1937. Dubno was a small congregation with two nearby villages. It was a vital ministry from 1906 to 1908 under Pastor Ernst Althausen, but after his departure it declined considerably. It was served by pastors from Tutschin and Luzk. In 1922, Karl Pufahls began to restore the work. In 1926 it became a Filial of Rowno, a church was built in 1935, and in 1936 Dubno was made an independent parish. However, it was never truly organized, nor were exact boundaries drawn.
Pastor in Dubno Parish
1926 - | Karl PUFAHL |
Evangelical Congregations in Dubno Parish
KNEIFEL, Eduard: "Die evangelisch-augsburgischen Gemeinden in Polen 1555 - 1939", Selbstverlag des Verfassers, Vierkirchen 1971