Aid to Finding Canadian Passengers
The Odessa3 website contains an extraction of Germans from Russian for ship passengers arriving at Canadian ports for the years 1900-1914. This extraction was completed by George Dorscher. The names are not listed alphabetically but rather by ship and by order of listing in the record. It can be quite a chore to browse through these lists manually to find your ancestor. The Odessa3 search engine is helpful as is the CTL-F function of your web browser. HOWEVER, if the surname is spelled differently from what you know it to be, these searches will not find a possible entry.
For example, if you are searching for Gottschalks who entered at a Canadian port, the search engines would miss the entry spelled as Gottschaulk which appears in several places.
Instruction for Use
This alphabetical listing of names is intended as a TOOL to be used in conjuction with the Dorscher list. It does NOT include every individual but rather only those who are the head of household or single people travelling alone or with others where a surname is known.
It will assist you in finding alternate surname spellings which you can then use within your browser search function to find the entry and subsequent ship info on the Dorscher list. I have also browsed through the list and, where I have noted a major inconsistency, I have added a note for considering an alternate. For example, someone looking for the Filman / Fielmann family at Rosenfeld should look at the Tilman spelling in this list.
Even with a list like this, you may still miss certain spelling problems. Be sure to include variations you have already encountered in your research and consider transliteration problems with old script such as, to name just a few:
- mistaking S for L or vice versa
- T for F or vice versa
- M for N or vice versa
- P for R or vice versa
- m for n for u
- s for f
- l for t
- i for e
1. Browse through the documents below to find the surname of interest.
2. Go to the Dorscher lists using the Odessa3 link at the top of this page.
3. Find the matching document by port and year and open it.
4. Use CTL-F in your browser to search for the name AS SPELLED in the document below.
5. This will then give you the name of the ship and exact time of arrival.
6. Use the Canadian Ship Lists to find the original record and copy the original ship log.
Alphabetical Listings