[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Reading Ellis Island Manifest

Rose Ingram roseingram at shaw.ca
Wed Oct 18 11:34:24 PDT 2006

I agree with Nelson.   You will note his birth place as  "Tutczin".

Rose Ingram

From: "Nelson Itterman"

> >From the ships record it looks like Rudinka, to me, which is in Volyhnia. 
> >I
> have a relative from there too.
> Nelson
> My great uncle is listed in the Ellis Island records.  The search
> information is:
> Passenger:  Emil Hartfiel
> Date of arrival:  Jul 04, 1914
> Under date of Birth, I know the country is Russia, but I cannot make
> out the City or Town.  If anyone is willing to give a try reading it,
> I would appreciate your input.
> Rob

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