[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Re: Name change dilemma

judikat judikat at teleport.com
Wed Jul 16 20:12:54 PDT 2003

While we're on the subject of name changes, here's a problem:

What Russian Jewish surname might have been changed to SCHILLING?

I've been trying to help an 80-year-old neighbor track her Ukrainian Russian
Jewish ancestors without much luck.

They came to the U.S. in 1889 and settled in New Jersey.  Before coming
here, they were in England [no place specified] where her mother was born.
I found her grandfather in an 1890 Newark city directory and in two censuses
[1900 and 1910] under "SCHILLING."  He died in 1911, but she can't find his
death certificate nor does she know where he was buried.  Her grandmother
was with her family in the 1920 & 1930 Brooklyn NY censuses.

Any insight would be appreciated.  Any thoughts?

judikat at teleport.com

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