[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] In their Words, Volume II, Russian - It is finally back in print.

Joyce Guasch jguasch at fastmail.net
Sat Apr 5 22:11:11 PDT 2014

In Their Words, Volume II, Russian, by Jonathan Shea & William Hoffman has been out of print for quite some time. It's finally back in print and my copy is on its way. I've been waiting a long time for this and I know there are several of you that also have an interest in having a copy.

If you want to purchase a copy to be delivered within the United States, you have several options. You can send a note that you want this book, along with a check or money order payable to "William F. Hoffman" for $39.00 (in U.S. dollars, please) to:

William F. Hoffman, Manager
Language & Lineage Press
5222 Rothchilde Ct
Houston TX 77069-1545

That total of $39.00 covers $35.00 for the book itself and $4.00 for shipping by USPS Media Mail. Books shipped by Media Mail usually arrive in less than a week, and often in just three or four days. The $4 shipping is for US delivery only.

If you prefer using PayPal, you can send $39.00 to the authors Pay Pal account, wfh at langline.com. Please specify which book you want, as there are three different volumes of the In Their Words series for sale. 

Be sure you include your shipping address. It wouldn't hurt to include your email address in case they need to contact you. 

If you’d like to order with the convenience of a credit card, the book will be sold by Avotaynu, Inc., and also by the Polish Art Center in Hamtramck, Michigan. 



If you need it delivered outside the United States, Avotaynu is probably your best bet. They ship to other countries all the time, so they are familiar with the best and most cost-effective shipping methods. 

If you have any questions about using Pay Pal, shipping outside the US or any other questions, contact William "Fred" Hoffman: fredhoff33 at yahoo.com. 

Joyce Welke Guasch
jguasch at fastmail.net
of Springfield, OR
Researching: Welke, Gurke, Beniamin
Ratz, Lentz, Zimmerman of East Poland

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