[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Volhynia film question (location)

Jerry Frank franklyspeaking at shaw.ca
Wed Dec 18 17:13:16 PST 2013

All available online records for Volhynia are directly linked at:


Only a limited number of locations and years are available.  Any other records are either lost or not yet discovered.  In particular, there are no separate records for Solomka, one of my own ancestral villages.  This list is current but we encourage anyone who finds others online to let us know so that we can link to them as well.

Having said that, we know there are additional parish records (not sure about Kantorate records) in Rowno Archives but you would have to go in person or hire someone to research them.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Menke" <chrismenke at hotmail.com>
To: "SGGEE List" <ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 9:59:39 AM
Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Volhynia film question (location)

Merry Christmas all,


Could anyone please direct me to the AGAD films online (such as on this link http://agadd.home.net.pl/metrykalia/439/sygn.%20220/pages/PL_1_439_220_0001.htm) that would have the Volhynia villages of Alexandria, Mariendorf (aka Puchawa), Czerepasznik, Tuczyn, and Friedrichsdorf (Solomka)? These are clustered together on the Horyn River NE of Rowno. 



   Chris Menke



Searching: Manke / Menke, Brandt, Paetsch, Stegmann, Wilwandt, Steltner, Rosenfeldt, Jabs, Hein, Wedel


in the above-mentioned Volhynia area and West Prussia.  

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