[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] "Lutheran vs. Reformed Lutheran"

Otto otto at schienke.com
Mon Feb 2 20:56:56 PST 2009

Good evening Everyone,

(the following can all be wikipedia reviewed)
One must remember it is not about names applied to a religious  
construct that make it 'different', but the beliefs held, a dogma,  
Almost all of the parish records reviewed of colonists are referred to  
as Evangelische Augsburgische (Kirche), i.e. Evangelical Lutheran  
Church following the Augsburg Confession. (this is with exception  
where they registered in Catholic parishes as protestant, registering  
in obedience to the law)

Evangelische Augsburgische Kirche is the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
'Augsburgische' defining it as the Lutheran Augsburg Confession of  
Faith of 1530 c.e.

The Augsburg Confession, presented to rulers 25th of June 1530. (latin— 
Confessio Augustana)
The Augsburg Confession is simply a statement of belief by the  
followers of Luther who came to be called 'Lutheran'.
They contain 28 Articles, a statement of Lutheran Belief, established  
belief or doctrine called Dogma.
The Lutheran Church follows the 'Unaltered' Augsburg Confession.

The term 'reformed' refers to a change of dogma or confession of belief.
In 1540, a revised edition 'Variata' was produced by Phillip  
Melanchthon (a friend of Luther) and signed by John Calvin.
It altered Luther's beliefs on 'sacramental union (unio sacramentalis/ 
Sakramentliche Einigkeit)
This is the reason many church books name the 'Unaltered Augburg  

Later in time regarding 'reform' (of belief) question came up  
regarding Calvin's concept of 'predestination'.
(in contrast with the 28 Articles, article 18., the freedom of will) A  
move to make it more palatable with Calvinists.

'Reformed' Lutheran, refers to Lutherans with a belief structure that  
has been 'altered' from the original Augsburg Confession.

The term, "Reformed", applies to any Protestant Church Parish that has  
'altered' its own original belief structure.

The Catholic priest, Martin Luther, did so, hence the 'Reformation'.

This brings about dissention among specific groups of similar people  
because a social group and culture builds around a chosen belief  
structure, giving one reason to see different beliefs as "other",  yet  
they are all of the human family. Freedom of choice is probably the  
greatest freedom.

For a Lutheran to become a Baptist was not to 'reform' their belief.  
It was simply choosing a 'different' Protestant Christian belief  

. . .   Otto
          " The Zen moment..." wk. of January 04, 2009-
                 "The future. . . . always catches up."

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