[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Occupation

Karina V. Heffel karinaheffel at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 18 22:04:08 PDT 2007

I just found this in the Swedish-English dictionary:
schatull = casket     

If that's true a "schatuller" should be a casket/coffin maker. Just to make sure you're looking into the right language used in that document you are trying to decipher go the language finder website I mentioned in my previous e-mail and copy and paste a couple of phrases at least (the more the better)' that way you know exactly what dictionary to use.

Good luck!


"Schemioneck, Nell" <Nell.Schemioneck at AirservicesAustralia.com> wrote: I have just found it in the records spelled Schatuller too.  But I also
can't find that in any of the on-line dictionaries.

Nell Schemioneck

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Karina V. Heffel
  karinaheffel at yahoo.com
  karinaheffel at gmail.com
  Researching our family tree since 1986: Volga Germans, Germans from Russia; Heffel & Block from Germany (Sachsen Provinz / Lieblos/ Darmstadt) to
  Dobrinka & Alt-Galka (Saratov, Russia) between 1763/1768; to Argentina in 1905, and to the United States around the same time. 

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