[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Village of Drozna, Russia

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Thu Mar 22 05:19:17 PDT 2007

Drozna is almost certainly the town variously spelled as Draschna, 
Derazno, etc.

It is located approximately 32 km NNW of the city of Rowno (today 
spelled Rivne), on the north bank of the Goryn / Horyn River.  I 
don't think that any of our Germans lived right in this market 
town.  They probably lived in a nearby village.  However, I am basing 
that info on pre1885 church records.  Your family may have lived there in 1913.

Watch for variant spellings of the name like Martinkowski, 
Marzinkowski, Martinkoske, etc.

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca

At 03:38 AM 22/03/2007, Gerrie wrote:
>Hello Everyone
>My Grandmother was born in Volhynia, Russia and came to Canada with 
>her father in 1913.  He returned in 1922 to bring his wife and son 
>to Canada and she never heard from the family again.  We have been 
>searching for some information on the family with very few 
>leads.  We know that her mothers name was Anna (Guse) and that she 
>had a sister Paulina (Guse) Steinke that came to Canada about 1900.
>Does anyone know whereabouts the Village of Drozna, Russia was.  I 
>have a researcher from  the BallinStadt Family Research Center in 
>Hamburg who has discovered that  between 1882 and 1914 only 5 people 
>came from Drozna, including my ancestors.  She  could not find this 
>place in any maps.
>In the Hamburg State Archives the researcher found the embarkation 
>of my ancestors.
>         "August Marcinkowski, farmworker, aged 43, married, and 
> Maria Marcinkowski, aged 16, 
> unmarried,                           farmworker, both from Drozna, 
> Russia.  They embarked on the SS Pisa on August 29, 1913 for Quebec.
>          (373-7 Emigration Office I, VIII A1 , Vol 265, p. 2941)
>Thank you for your help

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