[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Rootsweb lists temp. Good-bye 2.10.2007

rbbtfarm rbbtfarm at wavecable.com
Sat Feb 10 17:00:35 PST 2007

Hi List,

This is my good-bye to all of you for now. Our first grandchild is 12 days
old, so my priorities are changing for the moment..... long moment, since
grandchild #2 is due in 3 months. I would stay on list, except I am on
several and I will be traveling back and forth to the grandchildren. They
are close, but just not quite close enough for day trips.

If you find one of my submissions of interest, you can
reach me direct at rbbtfarm at wavecable.com. Also any "rbbtfarm at ........"
postings on various Gen. sites, is probably me, unless someone has
appropriated my, "rbbtfarm". Been using it many years with several
internet servers. If you want to check for info, there are many postings by
me under the "rbbtfarm" handle.

I had hoped to include a brief recap of my info per each group, but that 
isn't going to happen. I have greatly enjoyed being part of each individual 
list and have much data to sift through in the mean time. Everyone has been 
so very informative and that I will miss. To each list manager, I will be 
sending an official "unsubscribe", but wanted to say good-bye to everyone 

Hope to be back once the newborm "dust" settles, maybe next fall. However, 
it will take time to organize all the wonderful info provided by all of you. 
Until then, good hunting to all......

Best regards,

Tricia M.

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