[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Detective

rlyster at telusplanet.net rlyster at telusplanet.net
Fri Apr 6 18:12:57 PDT 2007

Thankyou Annegret and Howard! (and the rest who have volunteered to translate!)

You have been most helpful and I will share the story since it may be of 
interest to more of you and it will describe a little sleuthing that is 
sometimes necessary:

I saw this photograph in my parents album and did not think much of it until 
my Uncle (brother to my Dad) brought it along to a family gathering the 
beginning of March.  I noticed the writing on the back and appealed to you 
folks to help with reading it.  Thanks to your help I can now put together the 

The writing on the back of the picture was from one of my grandfather's 
(August Belter) brothers (two are on the picture--Roman and Heinrich).  August 
left for Canada in April 1929.  This was a picture sent to him likely in 1930 
(or 1931) because the picture was of Lager Versammlung for Pfingsen (church 
gathering to celebrate Pentecost--He sends the Bible lections which were 
preached on) which is in May and he speaks of the first summer since August 
left. He makes reference to bad times which likely speaks of worldwide 
depression in the 30's.  He also sends greetings from his wife, 2 children and 
mother (Juljanne Belter geb.Schulz)  And says they are in the "full of harvest"

Another clue of the location is a small portion of sign on the building behind 
them which says:  Kosco??ozy  wKol.Mydzk

Now I will share that information with my father and we will put together the 
entire story!  

It just goes to show what many can do....solve mysteries together!
My humble thanks,
Rita Lyster, Barrhead

P.S. If others from Mydzk are interested in the photo I can send it to you 
privately.  Some names that my family knew were:  Dahlman, Dahr, Klug, Bohrt, 
as well as Belter

Quoting Annegret Krause <krause.annegret at t-online.de>:

> Hi Rita,
> I just could decipher a new word. Look at the red letters.
> Annegret
> Annegret Krause
> Am Teeberg 16
> 29581 Bohlsen

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