[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Using 'Kartei Quassowski'

Schemioneck, Nell Nell.Schemioneck at AirservicesAustralia.com
Thu Oct 26 16:41:02 PDT 2006

Can someone please tell me what "vgl." means?  Someone once told me that
they had seen a document which included "Schemioneck vgl. Schemion".  I
know that Schemioneck means little or son of Simeon.

I was interested to hear that the Quassowski books detail families in
East Prussia.  Other family members believe that our ancestor came from
West Prussia (because that is what the shipping manifest says).  I am
convinced (though have no concrete evidence)that "Smowen West Prussia"
on the manifest is actually Summowen East Prussia (now Sumowo Poland).

Nell Schemioneck

-----Original Message-----
From: ger-poland-volhynia-bounces at eclipse.sggee.org
[mailto:ger-poland-volhynia-bounces at eclipse.sggee.org] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Friday, 27 October 2006 4:29 AM
To: ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org
Cc: Joe Pessarra
Subject: Re: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Using 'Kartei Quassowski'

 "Joe Pessarra" <joepessarra at cox.net> wrote: 
> One of my questions would be if these short excerpts point toward the 
> location of more information.  Or, is this really the complete 
> information in the excerpt.  Here is a "for instance".
> ======================================================================
> Pesarra vgl. Pessara
> N., Fendrich i.d.Reinischen Komp.Musquet.Natangishen Kreises 
> Pr.Defension Werk 1655(St. Av. Kbg. E.. M. 83  c 3.Fach) 
> ======================================================================

      This is a good example of what you find when you look in the
Quassowski books. Guessing at the abbreviations, (so don't assume  I'm
completely correct!) this means something like: 


 Pesarra, see Pessara

   There was an ensign called Pesarra, first name unknown, who was in
the Reinisch musketeer company in the Natangen area, on fortifications,
in 1655. 

     The information comes from the Staats Archiv in Koenigsberg. 
 (E.. M. 83  c 3.Fach - is information about which  section of the
archive's holdings had this record - my guess would be that E.M. 83
could stand for Etatsministerium, Abteilung 83).  

    So it does refer you towards a source, though I'm not sure if  you
are given the complete call number. 

     But before you hop on a plane to Koenigsberg, there are
complications. As the intro to the book says, many of the sources  used
are now either hard to get to, or no longer exist. 
     The northern part of Ostpreussen, including Koenigsberg, is now  in
Russia; Koenigsberg itself is now called Kaliningrad. It was militarily
important, and very hard for foreigners to visit.

     Some of the Koenigsberg archive material is now in the Geheimes
Staatsarchiv [Secret State Archive] in Berlin, perhaps some is still  in
Kaliningrad, and no doubt some was destroyed or looted during WWII.
 If EM does mean Etatsministerium, the chances are very good that the
original document has landed up in Berlin, as the Geheimes Staatsarchiv
has inherited about 120,000 documents from the Etatsministerium in

                Paul Rakow
                rakow at ifh.de 
 "Joe Pessarra" <joepessarra at cox.net> wrote: 
> Just a comment on the Kartei Quassowski.  I have had portions of it 
> sent to me by Internet friends some time ago.  The excerpts did give 
> me some information about the location of many of my ancestors and 
> relations in East Prussia.  I had a difficult time in reading the 
> excerpts because of the German abbreviations that were used.  I have 
> since received a copy of the abbreviations, and need to return to all
of the excerpts and translate them.
> One of my questions would be if these short excerpts point toward the 
> location of more information.  Or, is this really the complete 
> information in the excerpt.  Here is a "for instance".
> ======================================================================
> Pesarra vgl. Pessara
> N., Fendrich i.d.Reinischen Komp.Musquet.Natangishen Kreises 
> Pr.Defension Werk 1655(St. Av. Kbg. E.. M. 83  c 3.Fach) 
> ======================================================================
> Lots of work to do for the coming winter months!
> Joe Pessarra in Texas
> Searching for Pessarra, Pesarra, Pessara, Pesara, Peshara.

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