[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Use of Material in Presentation

Rachael Patterson patterson.rachael at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 07:49:20 PDT 2006

Hi Jutta,

Thank you for your lengthy reply. Yes, indeed, the website is well
maintained. To be more specific, I merely wanted to use some of the images
in my electronic ppt slide presentation of the Lutheran Church of Wyszogrod
(my grandfather's childhood churdh), and the Lutheran Church of Plotsk
(where both my grandparents were married in 1912), as well as a couple of
the images of the beautiful Vistula River with the beautiful images of the
Blue Vistula Thistle & the Will-wattle fence, giving full recognition &
reference to the source being the website of upstreamvistula.

I'm not sure if I feel confident, re presentation at the SGGEE converence,
but I will try my very best, as I do have a lot of interesting material,
that may be of interest to other fellow-researchers. I've given
presentations before, but not of this nature, until last night at our Family
Reunion, which went over quite well.

I am a stickler about giving credit where credit is due, and would still
love to use the above-mentioned material off your website. I've used
Russian, German, and Polish translaters for my records, as well as the
assistance with other pertinent material from such wonderful genealogists as
Paul Work, Jerry Frank, and Rose Ingram...and have given credit to each &
every translator in my presentation.

Many thanks & Best regards,


On 7/2/06, Jutta Dennerlein <Jutta.Dennerlein at t-online.de> wrote:
>  Gilda,
> I post my reply to your mail also to this mailing list, since it might be
> interesting for more people.
> You wrote that you want to use content of the UpstreamVistula.org website
> for your presentation. You did not explain what exactly you wanted to use
> and in which way (and to which extent).
>  If you feel competent enough to do a presentation at a Convention where
> people have to pay for listening to your speech you certainly have a lot of
> interesting and unpublished material as the results of your own research.
> The announcement of your presentation for this Convention says that you
> already do have this material - so you don't have to use any material
> published on the Upstream Vistula website!
> The authors of UpstreamVistula.org are investing a lot of time and effort
> to contribute carefully researched content to this website. We make all of
> this content free available because we want to share it with everybody who
> is interested in the history of ethnic Germans in Central Poland. We invest
> a lot of time in maintaining the bilingual character of this website to make
> it available to as many people as possible. We are also convinced that our
> content is already presented in a comprehensive and easy to navigate manner.
> So what would be the "added value" of re-publishing or re-presenting
> content that is already free accessible for everybody on the internet?
> In January I already sent a similar reply to Earl Schultz's request to
> publish Upstream Vistula content in the SGGEE Journal - he never answered to
> my reply so I assume he agreed with me.
> Kind regards
>  Jutta Dennerlein
> www.UpstreamVistula.org <http://www.upstreamvistula.org/>
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Rachael Patterson [mailto:patterson.rachael at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:24 PM
> *To:* jutta.dennerlein at upstreamvistula.org
> *Subject:* Use of Material in Presentation
> Hello Jutta,
> We've exchanged emails information research on a previous occasion.
> I will be doing a Genealogical Presentation over the Canada Day long
> weekend, in a ppt format for my Family Reunion in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
> and was wondering if you would allow me to use some of the material off the
> Website Upstream Vistula, as my extensive genealogical research has traced
> my family lineage to German Settlers along the Vistula River. I would give
> full credit to your website.
> Also, I have a cousin, who's father has transcribed the entire German
> document "Plock 125th Anniversary", and if you are interested, I can submit
> this to you. My cousin says it is okay to do so. I believe I've emailed you
> on this previously.
> Hoping to receive a response from you, as I will also be doing a
> Genealogical Presentation at the up-and-coming Aug SGGEE Convention, held in
> Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and I was hoping to use some references to your
> website Upstream Vistula as well, giving full credit to all sources used.
> You've done a marvelous job (and I can only imagine the countless of work
> involved in this).
> Many thanks,
> Gilda J. Patterson
> Calgary, AB, CANADA

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