[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] John Koenig born in Kalisz gubernia

AlbertMuth at aol.com AlbertMuth at aol.com
Tue Nov 2 19:34:23 PST 2004

In a message dated 11/2/04 5:43:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
dabookk54 at yahoo.com writes:

> To satisfy your curiosity, Johann married Anna Luise Walter on Mar 3, 1862 
> in Kolo. No children are provided so I wonder why they did not show up or 
> have our volunteers not done those birth records yet. Then he marries Justine 
> Wilhelmine Farr on Mar 4, 1867 in Kolo. Again no children are listed and that 
> could be because they took off for Volhynia.

There is a gap in the LDS filming of Kolo birth records, which end in the 
late 1850's and resume in the early 1870's.  If you want exact dates regarding 
this gap, check out the LDS FHL catalog.  I have transcribed Kolo births through 
the late 1850's, and many/most of these are in the SGGEE database.  This is 
an area where I do have extended family, so as soon as new records (if any) 
ever become available, I will be all over them.

The obituary confirms without a doubt that what is in the SGGEE database 
matches up with Peter's info.  He's a lucky one.  We should all be so lucky.  Year 
by year, SGGEEE research in original sources continues on several fronts.  
And, at the same time, new members join contributing their pedigrees.  The 
progress of the organization cannot continue without input from both sides.  I am 
constantly blown away by success stories of matchups and feel privileged to 
have contributed in some way to these successes.

Never forget that once new groups of immigrants arrived from "Germany" into 
Russian Poland and beyond, they intermarried with the Germans around them.  
Always keep a look out for your extended family, not just the relations by blood 
but the people who married IN to your families.  Maybe that aunt by marriage 
(whose ancestors go WAY back in the database) was from the same village as your 
uncle, and you don't know where your family was from.  Maybe HE came from the 
same place she did.

I am sure that most members could testify to all the crazy intermarriages 
going on a few generations back--PLEASE DON'T START POSTING on this issue.  It is 
so much a part of what goes on once our ancestors arrived in Russian Poland 
and beyond, that we don't need to belabor the issue.  As we continue to build 
the Pedigree Database, we will reaffirm this practice again and again.

Peter, welcome aboard.  Enjoy the ride.

al muth

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