[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Rudolf Tiede

Karl Krueger dabookk54 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 13 15:56:22 PDT 2003

If you have his EWZ record doesn't that show his birth place and birth date?

Ancestors <ancestors at telusplanet.net> wrote:I came across this individual who may be the same one as someone I found
in a EWZ document. While not a relative, this is one of those loose threads to
follow up on. This information is from the Social Insurance Death records from
the LDS site. How can one find out his birth location and any other data about



Rudolf TIEDE
Birth Date: 7 Dec 1885
Death Date: Oct 1968
Social Security Number: 133-10-7136
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: New York

Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 14211
Localities: Buffalo, Erie, New York

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