Bashaw Lutheran Churches Records

The data accessed from this page follows the guidelines in place (current to 2013) by the Government of Manitoba for release of vital statistics data - 100 years or earlier for births, 80 years or earlier for marriages, 70 years or earlier for deaths.


The Bashaw, Alberta region had three Lutheran Churches, one in town (Zion Lutheran), and two in near rural areas (St. Peters) with the other closed in the 1940s. Records for the latter are apparently missing. Zion and St. Peters are now operating under a shared arrangement. In the interests of preserving their records for history, they invited SGGEE to first scan their church books and then extract the data into useful databases. They have further given us permission to publish them here. For the purpose of the database, the records of the two parishes are combined into one document.

Over the years, several different styles of church books have been used to record events. Since they use different columns of information to record the data, you may find that one component of the extraction is available for some years but not for others.

Births / Baptisms

The Births Database covers the years 1896 - 1914. Data is sorted by the names of the baptized person but you can use the search tool within Adobe Reader to find mother's surnames, godparents, etc. Includes 170 births.


The Confirmations Database covers years of birth 1888 - 1914. Data is based on the birth date recorded for the confirmand with the same time limits as used for births. The actual event therefore may have occurred as recently as the late 1920s. Sorted by name of confirmand with 155 entries.


The Marriages Database covers years of marriage 1894 - 1934. Data is based on the marriage date and is sorted by the name of the groom. Using the search function in Adobe Reader, you can also look for brides and witness names. Includes 53 marriages.


The Deaths Database covers the years 1898-1944. Data sorted by the name of the deceased. Using the search function in Adobe Reader, you can also look for spouse and other names. Includes 114 deaths.


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