[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] 1790 - 1830 Polish records

Paul Rakow paul.edward.luther.rakow at desy.de
Tue Sep 24 11:49:03 PDT 2013


      Yes, in several of the towns around Lodz there are
  civil records in Polish back to about 1820, with Catholics,
  Protestants and Jews all recorded together. There are
  Catholic church records for Lodz itself, going back to 1685,
  you might find something there.  Also the Pastor from the
  Protestant Parish at Ilow (Sochaczew) made occasional trips
  to the Lodz area, the Ilow records go back to 1779.

      There is a lot of information about when the various
  congregations around Lodz were first founded, and when
  these towns had their "boom years".  Can you be more
  specific than just "Lodz area"? Are you interested in
  a particular town?

       Were the families you are looking for farmers, or
  were they involved in the textile industry? That could
  give us a clue as to when they were likely to have arrived
  in the area.

                      Paul Rakow

B Hirsekorn tggrtime at yahoo.ca wrote:

>Are there any birth, marriage and death records for 1790 to
>1830 for the Lodz area of Poland? 
>If there are, where would they be located ???
>the Lodz archives or in Warsaw or the German archives? 
>Betty Hirsekorn

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