[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Schleger family in Kostopole , Volhynia , Poland

Gary Warner garyw555 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 08:40:46 PDT 2011


We have several Schlender family records that are tied to both Kostopol 
and Yellow Grass.    None are for Mathilde, but we do have ones for 
Rudolph Schleger, his wife Christina Draeger and 13 children, and also 
for Reinhold Schleger and his wife Olga Arndt and daughter Aurelia.   I 
do not know how Reinhold relates to your Schleger family, but Reinhold's 
parents are Anton Schleger and Emilie.   All that information is from 
our members Douglas Dreger and Daniel Dundee.

Gary Warner

On 11/1/2011 9:07 PM, Clinton Ehlert wrote:
> Hi
> I am have not had much luck trying to find My graet grandmother matilda Schleger's Father's name . I know he died in poland and the family settled in byellowgrass, Saskatchewan with relatives August Schleger and Rudolph Schleger . My Great Great Grandmother Emelia Schleger remarried here in Saskatchewan , Canada to Jacob Lier And they Passed away and are buried in Yellowgrass , Saskatchewan . I tried to get a book on the history of Yeelow grass , saskatchewan to find out More about the Schleger and Lier family as Great Greeat Ganmother had more Girls with Step Great great Grandfather Jacob Lier . If anyone could give me more infdormation on both the Lier and schleger family in yellowgrass , saskatchewan iot would be helpful in My research inmto finding the Name of My great Granmother Father' s name Who died in kostp[ole , volhynia, poland at the time The family immergrated .
> Regards
> Clinton
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