[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] FN KESSLER from Lublin area

Efhensel at aol.com Efhensel at aol.com
Fri Aug 19 09:22:19 PDT 2011

Dear List members,
On the public site I found 4 children of Ludwig Kessler and Juliane  
Harzke,  from 1863 - 1871, in Nowina,Wlodawa, Lublin area.
btw. I find them all on the public site, but not all on the members only  
site.  Does the public site contain data that the member only site does  not?
I was looking for the marriage of Ludwig Kessler and Juliane Harzke, but  
cannot find it.
Does this mean the marriages for whatever place ( I assume that the  
marriage was also performed in Nowina or near there)   has not been  indexed by 
the Lublin project, or has not been found otherwise?

Irmgard (Hensel) 

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