[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Location of village - Marawil/Marowil/Marowin

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Sat Jul 17 07:10:13 PDT 2004

At 11:09 PM 16/07/2004, LeoAnn wrote:
>On Friday, July 16, 2004, at 08:02  PM, Jerry Frank wrote:
>>At 06:53 PM 16/07/2004, LeoAnn wrote:
>>>I would like assistance in locating the village of 
>>>Marawil/Marowil/Marowin.  The EWZ Stammblatt forms completed for members 
>>>of my family who lived in Kurasch, Volynhia just north of Ostrog on the 
>>>Polish side of the Polish/Russian border at the outbreak of WW II show 
>>>that my maternal grandfather was born in Marawil in 1856 and my paternal 
>>>grandmother was born in Marowil in 1873.  Other family members' 
>>>Stammblatt forms show Marowin as the birthplace of my 
>>>grandparents.  Their nationality is recorded as Polish.  Unfortunately 
>>>the Polish name of the village is not shown nor is the administrative area.
>>>I would like to know the location as well as the Lutheran parish it was in.
>>>L. Sonnenberg
>>It might be difficult to find the right location without some connecting 
>>district name.  I find no suitable alternatives in the Volhynia region.
>>There is a Marywil in Russian Poland known to have had German settlers. 
>>Also found a Morawin in Russian Poland in a region where Germans settled 
>>though the specific town is not on our list.
>>Perhaps if you post the names of the people that were supposed to be 
>>there, we can use other resources to see if there are any connections.
>>Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
>>FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
>The people who were from Marawil/Marowil  - my maternal gfather August 
>Klappstein b.2 May 1856 and my paternal gmother Karoline Kotke b. 18 March 
>1873.  The village of Marywil located SE of Kutno may possibly be the 
>village of their birth as other relatives were born in the general area - 
>my maternal gmother Natalie Mueller was born in Turek, Kalisch 6 July 1863 
>and my grand uncle Friedrich Sonnenburg was born in Lowitsch
>1874. I have no documentary source other than the EWZ Stammblatts to 
>confirm their birthplace.

In that case I would suggest that you start your search with the Lutheran 
Parish of Lowicz.  I see where Lutheran records are available in Warsaw 
Archives for the years 1856-74.  I cannot find where the LDS have 
microfilmed them, if they have.  Steve obviously has some info from that 
area so perhaps he can fill us in as to the source.

For before 1856, you may have to search Catholic films in the region (lots 
of those are microfilmed) or check into Kutno Lutheran films which have 
also been microfilmed.

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca  

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