[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Request for advice

Lorne Bohn lbohn at shaw.ca
Mon Jul 12 12:41:44 PDT 2004

Dear members of the list,

One of the members of the list has been kind enough to translate a letter I
received in Polish from "Archiwum Panstwowe w Olstztynie".  Has anyone had any
experience with sending a bank money order to Poland to receive information on
research material from this archive?  I would like to know what is the best
method to go about doing this?

I believe I need to send the equivalent of $32.85 U.S. funds to:

Konto Archiwum Pantswowe w Olsztynie:
Kredyt Bank PBI S.A. OII/Olstyn PL 82 1500 1562 1215 6000 8845 KRDBPLPW

to receive information on birth and marriage records for members of my family
that I have been trying to find for some time.  Any suggestions for the best
way to address the money order or go about doing so would be appreciated.

Best regards,

Lorne Bohn

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