[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Re Vohlynian deportations

Richard A. Stein ra_stein at telus.net
Thu Jul 8 06:59:50 PDT 2004

I also have information of a Volhynian family who were not deported to the
east during WW I.  The parents were both born, in 1892 and 1898, in Kreis
Wladimir about midway between Wladimir-Wolynski and Lutsk.  They married on
15 February 1916 (yes, the year is 1916 on the document I have -
Registration No. 15 in 1916 evangelisch-augsburgischen parish) in Lutsk (it
is Luck, Russia on the document).  The first child was born in April 1917 at
Graudens, West Prussia.  The next four children were born in Kreis Wladimir,
Volhynia from 16 June 1918 to April 1925.  Then five more children were born
in Kreis Gerdauen, which I believe is in East Prussia, from January 1927 to
March 1940.  I have encountered other families who migrated in the 1920s
from Polish Volhynia to East Prussia.  There must have been some incentive
for them to do so.

The marriage document indicates that the Lutheran parish in Lutsk, at least,
continued to function after the deportations.

Dick Stein
----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl Krueger" <dabookk54 at yahoo.com>
To: "Leo Gitzel" <lgitzel at telusplanet.net>;
<ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Re Vohlynian deportations

> Yes, Thank you Leo for sharing that with us. What I find amazing is that
your grandmother and aunt made it to Germany. There were some Germans that
seemed to end up in Germany at this time so I wonder how they managed that.
>From a story I have from another contact, I realize my grandfather's brother
knew the German armies were advancing so he took his family westward to meet
them and be "saved' by them. In EWZ I found a cousin to my grandfather who
lived near Vladimir Volhynsk and he also ended up in Germany somehow with
his family. But the vast majority of Germans did get deported as I have seen
in EWZ.
> Leo Gitzel <lgitzel at telusplanet.net> wrote:The following is an excerpt
from a letter written by my grandfather to my
> father in Canada in April of 1915
> " Jetzt lieber Sohn benachrichtge ich dir vie es jetzt bei uns ist, der
> geht immer noch mit der gansen macht,man sagt, es werden jetzt grvsere
> schlachten vie je geschlagen ,aber vie es geht das vissen vir nicht.
> Bie uns hat man schon alles aufgeschreiben die Deutschen, das Land wieveil
> haben wieveil dei gebeiden wehrt sind, auch hat man getreide und mehl
> aufgeschrieben, man weis aber nicht warum. Man spricht das die Regierung
> wird raus schicken nach Russland oder Siberien, aus Polen hat man die
> Duetschen Leute alle raus geschickt, zuvor die Menner nachher die Frauen
> Kinder es ist mit uns nicht sehr freulich, wir wissen nicht was es noch
> uns werden wirt"
> Translation----
> "Now dear son I will bring you up to date as to how it is with us. The war
> goes on in full force. One hears that the coming slaughter will be greater
> than ever but we have no idea as to how the war is going. All assets of
> Germans have been inventoried, how much land we have, the value of the
> buildings also the amount of grain and flour has been listed. One doesn't
> why but it has been rumored that the government will send us to Russia or
> Siberia. Poland has already expelled the Germans first the men and then
> the women and children. It's not a happy situation for us, we don't know
> will become of us."
> My grandfather was living in Marcelowka which, I was told, was about ten
> miles from Vladimir Volynsk. Unfortunately my dad didn't speak much about
> what eventually happened to his parents and to my greatest regret I didn't
> have the good sense to ask when I had the chance. As near as I can
> my grandfather died shortly after this letter was written. My grandmother
> an aunt were taken to Germany were my grandmother died. The aunt
> returned to Marcelowka and lived there until she died.
> Leo Gitzel
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