[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Kolonia Grabow

marmel marmel at pctcnet.net
Thu May 26 10:04:08 PDT 2016

Hello Edelgard,

The village is Kolonia Grabow Wielkiem in Kirchwei (church area) Poznan, not 'Xiestwie'.

The Grabowo Królewskie bei Kolaczkowo, Wielkopolskie, Poland (former Kreis Schrimm) in Poznan Province, is located east-south-east of the city of Poznan and south of Wrzesnia.
My NEUMANN ancestors lived in Grabowo Królewskie bei Kolaczkowo, and their church entries are at the Czerniejewo [Schwarzenau] Evangelische Kirche (Evangelical Lutheran Church), north of Wrzensnia.

Other villages by name of Grabowo in the Province Poznan:
Grabowo bei Golancz, Wielkopolskie, Poland (north of city of Poznan)
Grabowo bei Zastrzebowo and Smolary, Wielkopolskie, Poland (northeast of city of Gniezno)

>From which church entry is the image  "54/854/0/6.1/15: Duplikat urodzen, malzenstw i zmarlych, scan 59" ?   It helps to know the church's location.  Is it Katolic or Evangelische?

I will look on basia.com and see if I can identify the church by the index number.

Linda W.
greetings from Wisconsin, USA

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