[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] translation?

Sigrid Pohl Perry perry1121 at aol.com
Sun Mar 20 18:39:14 PDT 2016

Teresa et al,

www.geneteka.genealodzy.pl has a database created essentially by 
volunteers. They are linking records in the http://metryki.genbaza.pl/ 
database of raw records to particular years for birth/marriage/death 
records they have indexed. You must register for the latter in order to 
use it; it is all in Polish. "Geneteka" has an English interface.

You can "surf" through the various provinces on the map (today's 
"states" in Poland), then look for surnames. The "soundex" interface is 
fairly good, though, if you know of other spellings for a surname, you 
might search on them. You can search within smaller regions and for 
b/m/d records separately.

For example, if you select Mazowieckie, then put Berwaldt in the first 
box in the name index (Nazwiska), selecting marriage records, the three 
choices include Teresa's ancestral couple:
  1871     22     Krystian Samuel    Berwaldt    Polnau    Justyna     
Leischner    Kuhn   Pułtusk (ewangelickie)
There   is a "hot link" for the skan.

When you click on that link, you get a page that shows all the digitized 
pages for that year. Note the SkM at the end: those are the pages of the 
index. If you select years before 1867/68, these will be in Polish, as 
will the records. Indexes and records after that period will be in 
Cyrillic because the Russian government in charge of this area of Poland 
mandated it. Because the wedding for Samuel and Justyna was #22, that 
marriage record is easily found.

This database has grown considerably in the last couple years as records 
have been indexed and added to it. Some years do NOT have indexes. It is 
also possible that instead of including indexes after each series of 
b/m/d records, they were created in the parish record book at the end of 
the year, so it might help to check that.

FamilySearch as well as our own SGGEE website have translation aids. See 
and https://sggee.org/research/rus_translate/general_intro.html

Helen Gillespie posted to the List recently about a tool that helps you 
see what your family surname looks like in Russian:


All of these aids will give you basic information to recognize your ancestral names and navigate the words for dates, etc. in Polish or Russian. It takes some study and effort, but many will agree it is worthwhile.

Sigrid Pohl Perry

On 3/20/2016 6:12 PM, Teresa Loeffler wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion, Bob.  I'll check it out.  I'm sure this won't be the only document I need translation help with. [&#X1f60a]
> The site has done an index -- for all records?  I'm not sure.  One of the hazards of having to translate entire websites.  There are usually parts that still aren't clear to me.  I do know they have a search engine you can use to search by your ancestor's name after choosing the area you think they lived.  I was actually looking for Kuhn records when the Berwaldt one came up.
> Teresa
> ________________________________
> From: Krampetz at aol.com <Krampetz at aol.com>
> Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2016 5:43 PM
> To: snowleopard84 at hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] translation?
> Get a free ID on  PolishOrigins.com,   head to their forums and look for
> Polish Translations.    You can add your document to your post, or point to it..
> Did you find it by searching one by one or is there an index somewhere?
> Good luck.
> Bob
> In a message dated 03/20/16 12:59:36 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, snowleopard84 at hotmail.com writes:
> Hi all,
> I stumbled across a marriage record in geneteka.genealodzy.pl for a possible relative, Christian Samuel Berwaldt to Justyna Leischner.  I don't have a clue what it's saying.  I assume it's in polish, but I can't even make the words out well enough to figure that out.  Would anyone be willing to take a look at it for me?  I'd love a full translation, but I'd be happy with just the information on Christian Samuel Berwaldt...  I have it saved as a JPG.  I could send it as an attachment, or upload it somewhere...
> TIA,
> Teresa
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