[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Arno Meyer: Grave location in Germany

Helen Gillespie gilleh23 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 16:01:46 PDT 2016

You will unlikely find the tombstone of this ancestor unless he was famous
or the village is so small that there were not many burials (unlikely!).  I
found my great-grandfather's tombstone in the churchyard in Bernstorf
(Mecklenburg) which was East Germany then.  He died ca.1954. It was still
there in 2001. It may be gone now. The area was on the border and not many
people were permitted to live and/or go there from the 60's til the Wall
came down.

Like Canada and the US, civil registration of BMD are provincial / state
responsibility.  You might have better luck with obtaining a death
certificate - assuming you can determine the town/province he died in and
it might give the location of the interment.

Civil Registration in Germany began at different times in different areas
plus Civil registration records were kept at the local civil registration
office (Standesamt) so you would need to know exactly where he died in
order to send in a query.

This might help...but definitely knowing where your Mr. Meyer lived at the
time of his death is key.


Good luck with this.


Am 11.07.2016 um 16:55 schrieb Sig Tullmann:
> I am trying to assist a friend who is looking for the town in Germany that
> had been the location of a particular grave. ( I realize many graves in
> Germany are generally removed after 25 years of so, so it is not likely
> that the grave still exists )
>  The grave was for:
> Arno Meyer, who ( per old photo of grave stone) died Aug 30, 1954 and was
> born Sep 14, 1878 in Merzwiese
> Any advice and/or direction to a potential data base would be appreciated.
> The burial lists available on Ancestry.com did not yield the information.
> Thank you.
> Sig Tullmann

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