[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] requesting record search from Piotrokov Tribulanski

Omar Welke omar_welke at bell.net
Sat Feb 27 06:59:53 PST 2016

Hi Linda:

So you never even got a response to your email … unfortunate. 

I don’t want to go the researcher route either but may be forced to if I want to move on. Anybody have a better approach, please share. I think Kleszczchew holds the key to my Welke people …


I am Looking for a marriage between Gottlieb (bogumil) Welke (Welk) and Anna Rozine Werner around 1830-1835

And the birth of their 2 sons Johann Gottlieb Welke and Johan Ludwig Welke 1835-1840

I have been run aground on Gottlieb Welke and Anna Rozine Werner for 8 years now. 

There is a mention of a Gottlieb Welke in the Iliow confirmation pages (it matches his estimated age). His birth place is listed as Rogodoszh ( north of Lodz, looks like a suburb of Lodz today.)

Welke, Gottlib                        12 Mar 1812 Radogoszcz              Radogoscz, N of Lodz                


There is also a mention of a confirmation for a Anna Rozine Werner that closely matches the information I already have on her.

Werner, Anna Rosine                   15 Mar 1814 Schwindow               Swedow, W of Strykow                                                                             282  39 NE of Lodz

Unfortunately this is speculation and I can not put it all together with more evidence, which I am sure is in the Kleszczchew parish data.






From: Linda Bowen [mailto:lindakb45 at gmail.com] 
Sent: February 27, 2016 9:36 AM
To: Omar Welke <omar_welke at bell.net>
Cc: SGGEE <ger-poland-volhynia at sggee.org>
Subject: Re: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] requesting record search from Piotrokov Tribulanski


Let me add that  I am hesitant to recommend the researcher.   I felt that he was a little too eager to run up the tab


On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 8:34 AM, Linda Bowen <lindakb45 at gmail.com <mailto:lindakb45 at gmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Omar,

I believe you are the one I worked with years ago when you were trying to get census records from the Piotrkow Archives.

Did you every get anything?


That parish is very difficult to work with.I paid for a Polish letter and sent it by E-mail  to the church and never received a response.

I then hired a researcher and it took him over a year to get an appointment.  The church charges an hourly fee, as I remember about $24.00

and the researcher close to that.  So it was very expensive. 


On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 7:21 AM, Omar Welke <omar_welke at bell.net <mailto:omar_welke at bell.net> > wrote:

Hello fellow researchers:
New to the list. Returning actually from a few years break from Genealogy. I am in the process of trying to further trace my Welke Family in the Belchatow/Kleszczhew parishes.
I have been to the Piotrokov Parish website http://www.piotrkow.luteranie.pl/index.php/ksiegi-metrykalne/ and they hold the records for the years I am looking for.
 księgi chrztów/urodzeń —> 1830 – 1869 oraz od 1945
 księgi ślubów —> 1838 – 1883 oraz od 1951
 księgi zgonów —> 1837 – 1882 oraz od 1951
 księgi z lat 1869 – 1939 dostępne w USC w Bełchatowie

My question. Has anyone dealt with this parish and/or requested record searches? If so, what was the cost and whom did you deal with.
Thank you for any pointers.
Omar Welke
Researching: Welke, Krebs, Pufahl, Krassin and related families.

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