[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Olyka village

Mauricio Norenberg mauricio.norenberg at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 14:36:16 PST 2016

Hi Dick,

Thank you, sorry yes I confused about Ludmilpol.

Yes Alfred Noerenberg is of my family and this is the latest birth record I
could find.

So my question turns back to Olyka which sits right in the middle, should I
be only looking into Lutzk Archive or also Rowno if I want to find traces
of my family?
Is there a list somewhere of what sort of records are available on these

Thank you


On 26 February 2016 at 11:28, Dick Stein <ra_stein at telus.net> wrote:

> Hi Mauricio,
> Ludmilpol is in Wladimir-Wolhynsk parish as I'm sure you know.  There is a
> birth of Alfred Noerenberg on 10 July 1903 at Ludmilpol, parents Johann
> Noerenberg & Juliane Braun - is this your family?  Lutzk Archive has some
> of
> the post 1900 Wladimir records but, unfortunately, 1904 and 1905 are
> missing.  Also, AGAD does not have these years either although they have
> an alphatetical index of births for the years 1897 - 1915 which is not
> available online.  AGAD will do a search but it will have only the name of
> the child, the year of birth, and maybe the father's name.
> There is a village Oluka a little southwest of Torczyn - on Jerry Frank's
> map C, right at the bottom.
> Dick
> -----Original Message----- From: Mauricio Norenberg
> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 2:48 PM
> To: GPV List
> Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Olyka village
> Hi
> When my family left Bremen in 1908, they recorded Olyka as their last place
> of residence.
> I have my family records up to 1903 in Ludmilpol (it says they were living
> in Ludmilpol).
> Then I have a missing birth certificate from circa 1906 so I believe they
> moved out from Ludmilpol.
> I couldn't find anything on Luck either.
> I am struggling to find out which archives I should be looking into but it
> seems quite obvious it is Luck Parish hence Luck Archives in Ukraine,
> accordingly to SGGEE.
> https://www.sggee.org/research/parishes/parish_histories/VolhyniaDiocese/LuckParish/LuckHist.html
> However in the map, Olyka seems quite close to Rowno too. It's exaclty in
> the middle between Luck and Rowno. Is it possible that I will find
> information on Rowno archives too? Or should I focus on Luck archives?
> When I mean archives I mean I want to have a researcher in Ukraine to find
> more historical info, not only the birth certificate.
> The missing birth certificate however is from Paul Nörenbeg son of Johann
> and Julianna and I believe his birth date was around 1905/1906.
> Regards
> Mauricio
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