[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Volhynian Adventure Tours

Gretchen Otto gvwotto at aol.com
Thu Sep 25 20:47:52 PDT 2014

On Sep 25, 2014, at 10:29 PM, Don Miller <dnmiller at whiz.to> wrote:

> Nancy and I have just returned from spending a month in the Zhitomir region of Volhynia in connection with the work of our humanitarian organization.  Many people had discouraged us from going because of the crisis in eastern Ukraine.  They were fearful it would spread to the west and that we would get caught in harm’s way.  
> I want to report that my wife and I felt 100% safe the entire time we were there, for several reasons.  For one thing, the Zhitomir region is approximately 500 miles from Donetsk and the other areas where the fighting took place.  And secondly, about the time we got there the fighting in the east had more or less subsided.
> I say all of this to encourage you to once again consider joining one of our Volhynian Village Adventure Tours.  This past year, we had several tours scheduled, but because of the unknown factors in the crisis, the tours were canceled.  This was understandable.  But now, having been there and accessed the situation, I can say with confidence that if the situation remains about the same, there is no reason why the tours cannot be resumed.
> So, I am announcing the next tour to be held sometime around the first week in September 2015.  If there is an interest and need, there might even be a second tour during a mutually acceptable time of the year.  Or, if you would like a customized tour, I know that Alex, my assistant in Ukraine, is eager to serve you. 
> In short, if you had planned to go this year or would like to go next year, let me know and we can begin the planning process.
> Email: dnmiller at whiz.to
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