[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Mailing list purpose

juliasgenes juliasgenes at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 19 20:15:17 PDT 2014


Since I joined this list months ago, I have been ill and therefore have read few of your messages. I am now skimming through all my accumulated e-mails (there are 1000s!) including those for this group. So far, I see constant references for Volhynia and for few other places. This statement is from the list's sign-up page: 

"This is a mailing list for anyone researching the genealogy of Germans 
whose migrations took them through Russian Poland and/or Volhynia. . ."

So, am I mistaken that Łódź and Olesno in Opole Voivodship is included in that definition? These are the possible places that my Ewert people left from to emigrate to Cleveland, Ohio, USA in the 1890s. They considered themselves Germans, spoke German, and attended Lutheran churches. However, my grandmother's surname may have been "Obaronowski", though my aunts denied that their father "would ever marry a Pole." [Their words, not mine!]

Or am I in the wrong place?

Thank you, Julia (And thank you for writing in English. The German lists I'm subscribed to are difficult to keep up with using online translator programs.)

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