[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Sompolno

Barry Krueger bgkrueger1 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 02:32:41 PDT 2014

Good evening - I too have links with the Sompolno region but have not had
any success locating my ancestors or possible descendants in the Lutheran
and Catholic churchbooks for this region. Indeed, things seem to be quite a
muddle for Lutherans living in this region prior to 1820 or so. My
great-great-great grandfather is Daniel Krüger who was a farmer at Trocken
Hauland (identified as Pogorzele by Albert Breyer -- approx 7km SSW of
Sompolno) known to be deceased by 1830. The Krüger name is somewhat common
and this surname name appears in the Sompolno church records but I have not
been able to establish any links with these Krügers. His son Christoph and
his family appear in the records for the Witkowo (Prussian partition)
Lutheran parish - residing at Hutte Powidz. Again, there are many Krügers
in these churchbooks but I have not been able to establish links with them.
This son (my g-g-grandfather), who I believe to be the youngest son
emigrated to Australia in 1847.
Does this resonate with anyone? Other family names of interest to me in
this "bordlerland" area are Siewert and Rachui (Rachuj). A year or so ago I
searched the SGEEE databases to no avail.
Barry Krueger

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 2:43 AM, Nks883 <nks883 at aol.com> wrote:

> To Debbie and List:
> I too have ancestors from Sompolno around the same time frame and then
> appeared around Chelm, Lubin at a later time.  They are:
> Gottlieb Schindel / Schendel born about 1820 in Stara Ruda.  He married
> Wilhelmine Spitzer who was born about 1824.  They were married in Sompolno
> on 19 Feb. 1843.  Ludwig died 14 Nov. 1844.
> It appears that Wilhelmine was pregnant with my great grandfather, Ludwig
> Schindel/Schendel when Gottlieb  died in 1844.  Ludwig was born 8 June 1845
> probably Sompolno.  Ludwig married Emelia Scheske who was born 1859.  They
> were married Nov. 1875 Lodzkie, Poland.  Their child, my grandfather
> Gottlieb was born 10 May 1882 Chelm.  He married Ernestine Rauch born 22
> Feb 1886 Wola Mlocka, Poland.
> The father of Gottlieb Schindel born about 1820 was Andreas
> Schindel/Schendel born about 1769 Kierno, Prussia and died 22 July 1852
> Stara Ruda.  He was married to Marianna/Anna Marie Erdmann (no information
> for her).
> The parents of Wilhelmine Spitzer were Martin Spitzer born about 1797 and
> died 27 Jan 1837.  Martin married Anna Christine Neumann born 15 Aug 1802
> Prezewoz and died 26 Sept 1860 Nowa Wies.
> Hoping that someone will connect these people to their ancestors.
> Sincerely,
> Nadine Erdman Saiki
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