[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Mailing List Problems - Trying to resolve them

Sigrid Pohl Perry perry1121 at aol.com
Wed May 28 16:06:06 PDT 2014


We thank you and Karl Krueger and Matt and Gary Warner (and others) who 
maintain the website and the Listserve. We appreciate your efforts in 
diagnosing this random problem and finding a solution. I can only 
imagine how hard you worked to look through the lengthy subscriber list 
to find and tag the ones affect by the "bounce" problem. Thank you for 
the update.

Sigrid Pohl Perry
who hopes this message will be posted and not bounce

On 5/28/2014 5:10 PM, Jerry Frank wrote:
> All,
> There are 2 parts of the SGGEE system that require names and passwords.  There is access to the Membership Section.  This is for members only and this part of the system is safe and secure.  You should not be experiencing any problems with it.
> The second is our mailing list which is open to the public (subscribers) but which requires a different name and password.
> Our Mailman Software has served us well for many years.  In the last 3 months we have had a second round of messages that bounce back to our system without explanation.  Once a certain number of messages from a particular address come back to our system, an automated warning message gets sent out that the subscriber.
> The problem is totally random. For example, if one Yahoo subscriber gets bounced, another Yahoo subscriber is perfectly fine.
> I have gone through our entire list of subscribers and manually reset the bounce condition for anyone with a problem.  You should ALL therefore be receiving this message and should no longer have to deal with the bounces - AT LEAST FOR NOW.
> We cannot guarantee that this problem is solved.  We are still working at at why (very difficult when the results are so random) it is happening and hope to have a resolution soon.
> Jerry Frank
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