[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Which Church

John Marsch gpvjem at sasktel.net
Fri May 16 13:34:50 PDT 2014


    Novograd Volynsk parish was established in June of 1889.  When it was 
established there were only 2 churches within it boundaries, at Annette and 
Dermanka.  Also at that time there were 55 chapels in the parish which 
included those at Josephow and  Lugardia.
    In 1909 when the source of this information was published in St. 
Petersburg, "Die Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinden in Russland", there had 
been no changes in the status of 1889.
    So in answer to your question, The families living in Josephow and 
Lugardia would have generally worshiped at the chapels in those villages but 
the records of births, marriages and deaths would be those of of Novograd 
Volynsk parish.  I use the words "generally worshiped" in the previous 
statement because on very special occasions the people would sometimes 
travel considerable distances to worship at the churches in the parish.

John Marsch


Hello Everyone: Which Lutheran church & Parish would a family attend if they 
lived in Josephow or Lugardia, Novgorod Volynski, Ukraine?

They lived in Josephow from 1885 to at least 1905. Sometime after 1905 moved 
to Lugardia till 1916.


Sieg Schewe
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