[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Zielke/Zuelke in Chodecz Parish - reference: Ger-Poland-Volhynia Digest, Vol 132, Issue 15

Kenneth Browne kbrowne01518 at gmail.com
Wed May 14 12:56:38 PDT 2014

On 05/12/2014 08:25 PM, Joan Tonn wrote:

Joan, I'm a different Ken, but have one Tonn in my genealogy database, 
Julianna Tonn. She's my mother's "second great grandmother".

I don't have much on her, but she was (apparently) married to 
Christian Wolf in the first third of the 19th Century. She gave birth 
to Juliana Josefa Wolf 4 March 1833. Juliana married Johann Gottfried 
Lachmann 1852 and one of their sons was Samuel George Lachmann (born 
September 1865). He emigrated in 1891 and settled in Chicago. His 
first wife, my great-grandmother, was Alvine Mroch. She died very 
young in 1902. I have no records on Alvine beyond census record for 
1900 and her death certificate.

Aside from a total lack of details about my great grandmother, there 
are other mysteries concerning my Lachmann ancestors.


> Hi, Ken—it’s heartwarming to see the cooperation among all the readers of this forum!  My main line is the TONN name, starting with Johan Tonn(1810-1857), married first to Anna Karoline Natchigall, then  married to Anna Karolina Zuelke/Zielke.  Johan is the son (I think) of Georg Albrecht Tonn (1759-1857) and Anna Elisabeth Koenig.  Johan’s children include Wilhelm (or Michael) Ludwik Tonn (1837-1918), August Tonn (1840-1946), Gottlieb (1844-?), Justine (1846-?), Anna Karoline (1849-?), Luise (1851-?),Friedrich (1854-?) and Samuel ( 1857-?).
> Wilhelm Ludwik (a religious teacher/or cantor in Kozki), is the father of Samuel , August, Theophila, Martin, Marianna, and Emil, (all born between 1861-1868) with his first wife, Anna Alexandra Anklam (1840-1868).  By his second wife, Kristina Mantik (Mantick) he had at least three or four children: Bogoslaw (Gottlob? Born 1870), Wilhelmina (1873), Ludwig (1880-1946) and Adolph (1882-1965). I may be missing some with the gap in years here.  It appears that most were born or lived in Trojaczek, Teodorowo, Kozki, Bycz, Pamiatka,  Marriages occurred between Tonn family members and Steinke, Demlang, Rebke, Kruger, Drews (Drefs)and Pubantz members. I’m hoping by following the different children and their marriages, to find more information on the main line.
> I would like to see what you have to see how it fits with my information!  If you are willing to share, I would appreciate hearing from you.
> I also would like to know where in Germany the Tonn family originated, as they are described in birth records as Colonists from Kozki, etc.  It may open another line for me to investigate.
> I enjoy the detective work of searching for information, and proving it with records. It’s a fascinating process, looking for information and tying it together with other information.
> Thank you,
> Joan
> From: Kenneth Powell [mailto:kenpowell99 at live.com]
> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 5:59 PM
> To: seipert2 at gmail.com; tonn at triwest.net
> Subject: Zielke/Zuelke in Chodecz Parish - reference: Ger-Poland-Volhynia Digest, Vol 132, Issue 15
> Hello Joan, Susan -  reference: Ger-Poland-Volhynia Digest, Vol 132, Issue 15 – your comments re-posted here at end for reference
> Like Joan, I am researching this same Zielke family as I try to link in another one – there are indications of a potential connection, but I have not yet found the link.
> In the process I created a tree that includes Johann (Jan) Zielke and Anna Rosine Koenig ad some of their known children and descendants or spouses such as Gottfried Zielke’s wife Anna Justine Bukow (aka Buk, aka Busch), etc.
> I collected the names, relationships and other related information from 3-4 sources or more, where the most of the data for the sources were in German genealogy databases that included these families from this area (and many more areas, Prussia & Poland and beyond).
> (My particular Zielke line ended up migrating to the Lublin / Chelm / Kamien Parish in southeast Russian-Poland in 2nd half of 1800s – several Zielke families there, including mine, but yet to find the particular but obvious link (probably a cousin or uncle away from nailing it down).  There are indications that many of the families that migrated to the Lublin and Chelm area came from the neighborhood where you are seeking the specific locale for the farming settlements or colonies).
> If either or both of you are interested, I can provide you with what I have (including the tree I collected that helps outline the families).  If you provide me with surnames of interest, I can check to see what I have (or might be in the German database sources I used with many interconnected families).
> Another similar task I was about to embark upon was trying to sort out specific locales – I took a few first passes to orient myself, found some, and guessed about where the others must be, given where the intermarried families were residing.  I might dive back into this, or at least try to clean it up and match original German names to the current Polish naming for the names in my tree (it takes a lot of focus and a steep learning curve given the famously difficult task of locating German settlements in Polish named territories, often with multiple place names all the same and every little neck of the woods and drained fields seemingly having a local name...).
> And of course I am hoping someday to link my Zielke name of interest to the larger family – Susanna Zielke married to August Schmidt with at least two children Wilhelmina Schmidt (married Michael Draeger b. 1848-1850, d 1822-24) and Gustav Schmidt (md Emilie Rosin and md Auguste Hein) – these folks living after migration in Chelm area, Kamien Parish, the Schmidt children born probably 1850-60 timeframe, both married in Kamien Parish.  Michael Dreger’s parents are Andreas Dreger and Justine Milbradt, not sure of origin, but family lore referencing Posen and Pomerania, or along the Baltic coast at some earlier generation.
> Regarding Zielke, I also have found another extensive German database collection of Zielke families in a locale that I believe is one of the earlier origins of some of the Zielke lines (with various spellings, Zielke, Zuehlke, Schilke, etc) – in the area around Danzig.  If anyone has indications of lines there, I can provide the link to that database, put together by a German Civil Servant as volunteer who knows what he is doing! (He has many Danzig area surnames if that falls within your scope of interest).
> Regards,
> Ken Powell
> Hi Joan,
>> I'm not researching that family, but I have collected a few Zielke's as I
>> try to find another one.
>>  From Chodecz records,I have a Karoline, daughter of Jan Zielke and Anna
>> Rosina Koenig, One of her brothers, Gottfryd, had several children (wife
>> Anna Gustyna Buk). Three of them were born in Brantowizna, and three were
>> born in Woleckie Holendry, so it does seem that the two places are near
>> each other.
>> Sue
> Hi, Susan,
> The Zielke/Zuelke name seems to come up with some of the same names. Jana
>>> Zuelke (1758-1858) and Rozyny Koenig (1776-1858) are the parents of Anne
>>> Karoline. Anna Karoline married Johan Tonn. Are you researching the same
>>> family?
>>> Joan
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