[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] my search in Sierpc

Chris Knopf skugger at chartermi.net
Sun Aug 24 08:15:33 PDT 2014

Linda, it would seem that this is our lucky day!   I am a direct 
descendant of your Gottlieb Knopf, and it is this family line that i'm 
researching.  This Gottlieb (whom i have come to call Gottlieb Sr) had a 
son Gottlieb (Jr), who had a son Wilhelm.  Wilhelm came to Detroit in 
1889 with his wife Pauline as newlyweds.  These are my 
great-great-grandparents.  My family has lived in Michigan ever since.

Mateusz Knopf, and Julianna Nowakowska, are Gottlieb Sr's parents.  
Gottlieb Sr, and his older brother Jan, are the only two children of 
Mateusz that i know of.  Mateusz died May 30, 1823 at the age of 60.  I 
first learned about Mateusz when i found a record of Gottlieb Sr's 
second marriage (Eleanor died in 1860) in records from Przasnysz 
parish.  I also recently found Gottlieb Sr's first marriage record in 
film 0810848.  0810847 is the film that contains Mateusz' death record, 
and by the way, also contains Jan's marriage record.  I only found these 
records recently and have not finished translating them yet, but i'll be 
happy to share them with you.

I'll extract a portion of my database to send to you, and i can send 
these records to you as well.  I will email these later today.  Very 
nice (and fortuitous) to hear from you too!


On 8/23/2014 3:53 PM, Linda Pauling wrote:
> You may have found it amazing that my post came at precisely this time, but
> I find it equally or even more amazing that yours just arrived.
> I and a friend from Calgary have been extracting the records from Sierpc,
> Lipno, and Rypin for many years and I am currently trying to assist a woman
> who is researching Knopf!!! I just finished writing to her with what I have
> found which does not solve the mystery of who her greatgrandfather is. This
> family is found in Witkowo, Lipno and Czartownia and later as Kantor in
> Gozdy and Ossowka. The similarities are astounding.
> I would very much appreciate it is you can give me your pedigree or whatever
> you choose and maybe we can see if these families connect.
> My own family lines go back to Gozdy, Sudragi, Blizno, Bialasy, and earlier
> some to Kleszczyn and other Rypin villages.
> no questions are silly... but you already know that! Some of the death
> records I find list ages, parents, and children even with married names...
> some have parents unknown... some list # of children but no names... I guess
> it depends on who was writing the record that day and what the informant
> knew about the family.In which parish did you find the death of Mateusz
> Knopf?
> The Sierpc Ev. church began in 1837... before that time, those Evangelical
> people who lived in the area had their events recorded in the Catholic
> churches. I have also searched in those Catholic churches in Ligowo, Gojsk,
> and in the Ev. parish in Dobrzyn nad Wisla in addition to Lipno whose
> records go back further than 1837.
> I do not have a Mateusz Knopf in my records but I am wondering what other
> names we may have in common.
> We have also found a remnant of our family still living in Bialasy and have
> made 4 trips to Sierpc, the latest in 2008. You have a real treat in store
> for you!!! Are you at sggee convention this weekend? My friend Earl is there
> and did a presentation on our 2008 trip to Sierpc. I am in California, but
> originally from CT. And you?
> I would very much like to stay in touch with you and compare trees. I'm
> attaching the descendant charts I just completed for the Knopf I am working
> with currently. You will note that the name is also found as Guzowski, and
> sometimes Guze or Gutowski. On one record it is actually signed with the
> name Guzowski. A descendant of Karl Knopf and Anna Ritz from Czartownia is
> married into my family line also. A daughter Bertha Knopf is born in 1895 in
> Czartownia and their son Rudolf born 1898 in Czartownia was married to my
> folks' cousin.
> Earl's topic today was about a Holy Ghost trip as many things occurred on
> the trip that would be explainable no other way. Maybe it continues with my
> post and your answer! And to think I wasn't sure if I should post that to
> the list and was encouraged to do so by another fellow researcher in Germany
> who is also from "our" area.
> So happy to hear from you!
> linda
> ..."for such a time as this..." Esther 4:14
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ger-Poland-Volhynia [mailto:ger-poland-volhynia-bounces at sggee.org] On
> Behalf Of Chris Knopf
> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2014 12:13 PM
> To: ger-poland-volhynia at sggee.org
> Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] my search in Sierpc
> What a coincidence it is that i would choose to make my first post to this
> group, and find Linda's post regarding the history of Sierpc.  i have been
> researching my Prussian/Lutheran ancestors in this area for years, starting
> in Przasnysz and Ciechanow, with my trail of ancestors taking me eastward
> the farther back in time i go.  Currently my research is in the late 18th
> century, in the villages of Gojsk, Sudragi, Gozdy, and Czartownia, all just
> a few miles outside of Sierpc.  Many thanks, Linda!  i'm grateful to have
> some real historical info on this area.
> i'm by no means an expert on this, so my question may be a silly one.
> i'm reviewing LDS film 0810847 and have found the death record of my
> gr-gr-gr-gr-gr grandfather, Mateusz Knopf, who died in 1823. While i'm glad
> to have this record, and am grateful that i'm able to find any info at all,
> so far into the past, i'm disappointed at the glaring lack of information on
> the death record.  The record does not name his children, other than two of
> his sons who were witnesses, the two children i already knew about.  The
> record also does not seem to mention the names of his parents, nor does it
> name the village of his birth.  Without this info, my research may be at a
> dead end.
> i know that there were both catholic and evangelical parishes in the area,
> but i've never fully understood how that might affect my research.  I
> imagine my ancestors were protestant (a couple of them were ministers), but
> the record mentioned above is found in catholic records.  Does this mean
> there may also be a death record in an evangelical record book somewhere?
> Might an evangelical record contain more info?  Or is this all there is?
> I am planning a trip to Sierpc and Lipno a year from now, since i'm nearing
> the end of what LDS films can show me.  I hope to have a better
> understanding of all this before i go, so i can plan accordingly.
> Chris Knopf
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