[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] On-Line Church Book Images from Volhynia

DANWWAGNER at aol.com DANWWAGNER at aol.com
Sun Oct 27 10:47:31 PDT 2013

I recently stumbled into a website that has images of Lutheran Church  
documents more recent that those included on the 1830-1885 Odessa  file.  (For 
example, I found my grandfather's 1890 confirmation record from  
Roschischtsche.  It was in Cyrillic letters except that the Confirmant's  name was also 
given in German.  The document was numbered  PL_1_439_214_0096.jpg.)  
Unfortunately, I cannot find my way back to that  website (I was using Google 
Chrome and had the history feature turned  off).  Can anyone tell me that site's 
address?  Daniel  Wagner

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