[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Where are these places?

Jerry Frank franklyspeaking at shaw.ca
Thu Nov 14 19:22:15 PST 2013

Jadwigow is a short distance east of Elizabetpol, just north of Swojczow.  I have no idea where the Schwinerow reference comes from.

Julia / Schedler are unknown to me.

There is a Radzwilow SW of Dubno in Rowno parish, just on the Volhynia side of the border with Galicia.  However, your guess at the province seems to suggest Warschau = Warsaw.

There is Radzymin, a parish just north of the city of Warsaw but not sure if that is good fit or not.

I'd be willing to look at the document if you send it privately to see if I can do a better interpretation of the writing if you'd like.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Bowen" <lindakbowen at cox.net>
To: "SGGEE" <ger-poland-volhynia at sggee.org>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 2:56:45 PM
Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Where are these places?

I'm looking at a marriage record in which the groom's father9 Ludwig 
Radke) is from   Jadwigow? ?  Tadwigown? Gov. Schwinerow
and the groom's mother( Julia Burger) is from Julia  Gov. Schedler.    
it looks like Julia , the last two letters are written on top of one another

Then the bride's parents (father Martin Koss) live in Elizabetpol, Gov. 
Gnoyne .   Is this the Elizabetpol in Wladimir Wolhynsk?
The brides mother( Marianne Peltzer) was born  Radzywilow, gov Wa---hau
All of those locations are as I'm able to read the record. The writing 
is pretty clear but I am doing some guessing.

Anyone one to take a guess as to the locations?
The Groom is Adolph Radke and the bride is Anna Susanna Koss.

I have a DNA match whose  tree  has a Radke  family living in 
Eliabetpol, Wladimir Wolhynsk.
I'm trying to  figure out whether this Koss family could connect to mine.
If anyone connects to this Koss family, I'd sure like to communicate 
with you.
Linda Bowen

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