[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Moravian family history

Lloyd Friedrick lloydfriedrick at telus.net
Sun May 5 09:03:15 PDT 2013

My maternal grandparents, family names Andres Sampert and Wilhelmine Radke, were born and lived near Dombrova Tomachow and Wederne Tomachow, Tomazow Maz, Rowno parish Congress Poland.  Anecdotal history indicates that the family originated in the Alsace Lorraine region.

They immigrated to Bruderheim, Alberta, Canada in 1894 along with other members of the Moravian faith. 

I have examined the Moravian web site but there doesn’t appear to have references of the growth of the Moravian church in old Congress Poland. 

Is anyone aware of information on this subject as it pertains to these people who gave up their Lutheran affiliation and converted to the Moravian faith.  There is some conjecture that some of these original Bruderheim families adopted this faith after they arrived in Canada or simply joined up with a group that followed Pastor Lilge to a new life here.

Any stories of Moravian church activities in this area of Poland would help me in gathering family history.

Please note that my spelling of place names in the first paragraph is rather vague.

Lloyd Friedrick in Victoria, British Columbia

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