[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] St Petersburg records for twins, Quads; Familie Bregnet / Breguet

kenkrell at comcast.net kenkrell at comcast.net
Thu Jun 13 07:40:19 PDT 2013

My gut feel these are baptized dates and not birth. The children were all all born in different years and then baptized together. 

Ken Krell 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Nancy Gertner" <nancygertner at mac.com> 
To: "Margaret Loroff" <marlo50 at bex.net> 
Cc: ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 4:08:42 AM 
Subject: Re: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] St Petersburg records for twins, Quads; Familie Bregnet / Breguet 

Very interesting Margaret. 

I notice the quads only have one name (no middle name), so I wonder if they were stillborn and named but never Christened? 

I found a record for triplets once . . . I can't remember if they survived . . . probably not. 

My mother-in-law told me about her twin cousins born in early 1900s in England. 

They survived without incubators, and her story was they were put in - I think — shoe boxes with cotton wool and kept warm by the stove. 

That was about the best technology available for preemies at the time I guess . . . 


On Jun 12, 2013, at 9:31 PM, Margaret Loroff wrote: 

> I don't know who will be reading this but I had to write to someone.   
> I was reading the church records from St Pete's, I occasionally go thro them 
> in hopes something new will pop out and give me hope.  This is something I 
> found, they are not related to me,  I do not know anyone with this name.   
> This is births listed.  The family name was spelled two different ways and 
> it can easily be seen why. 
> Father Georg Bregnet or Breguet.   Mother Henriette Lillje. 
> Births:  Son-Peter Herman Breguet   born 3 December 1857  died 30 July1859 
> Zitomir   
>            Dau-Julie Wilhelmine Breguet  born 29 April 1859   Zitomir 
>            Son-Peter Wilhelm Breguet   born 10 August 1860 
>            Son-Georg Eduard Breguet     born 3 November 1863 
>            Dau-Henriette Wilhelmine     born 3 November 1863   died 25 
> November 1863 
>            Dau-Amalia Bregnet   born 24 December 1865 
>            Dau-Elizabeth   born 24 December 1865   
>            Dau-Julie   born 24 December 1865 
>            Dau-Wilhelmine   born24 December   Shitomir 
> I was totally fascinated with these births.  I did not find any death 
> records for those 4 babies born on the same day.  Infact after that, the 
> family disappeared from the records.  The birth of Quads 
> is unusual today, it must have been really astonishing in those days.  And 
> that was after birth of twins. 
> As I said, this is not my family but it was very interesting.  I did find 
> the name in Virginia, Delaware,Conneticut, Massachutts and Rhode Island in 
> later years. 
> Margaret 
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