[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] St Petersburg records

Günther Böhm GHBoehm at ish.de
Thu Jun 13 00:33:11 PDT 2013

Am 13.06.2013 04:31, schrieb Margaret Loroff:
> I did not find any death
> records for those 4 babies born on the same day.  Infact after that, the
> family disappeared from the records.

Hello Margaret,
at least Henriette Wilhelmine died (look at http://wiki.wolhynien.net/index.php/BREGUET,_Georg ).
By the way, BREGUET was a famous family of Swiss watchmakers.
The surname LILLJE is of Swedish origin, both not typical for Volhynian colonists (Georg BREGUET was an urban native of 
Windau, Courland; Swedes settled along the Baltic coasts).


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