[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Albert Muth - Obituary

Jack Milner wjmilner at shaw.ca
Thu Jul 18 10:53:34 PDT 2013

/*" When an older person dies, it is like a library burning."*/

Alex Haley

On 2013-07-17 6:44 PM, Jerry Frank wrote:
> I was stunned when I came home from work to hear this news.  It is my sad duty to report that Albert (Al) Muth passed away from pulmonary embolism (blood clots) at his home, Sunday July 15.  A brief obituary can be found on this site http://www.mccabefuneralhome.com/Publishsite/
> Al was only 55 but he crammed a whole lot of genealogical research into those few years.  I was first introduced to him in the mid 1990s when he did some genealogical research for Wandering Volhynians magazine.  It was later in the founding years of SGGEE that he became extremely active through his extraction of literally hundreds of thousands of names from Russian Poland Lutheran records.  SGGEE, its members, and those who have passed this way as friends owe him a huge debt for helping us to do our research.  He did this through his general extractions, through his historical and language research and especially through personal messages in direct correspondence with us.  He did not keep his research to himself but shared it with us and many others around the world.  He seldom did the specific family research for us but allowed us to make our own discoveries by pointing us to people, places, and records.
> As several people have already indicated in private messages I received, Al is irreplaceable and will be sorely missed.  Please join us in extending our prayers and thoughts of condolences to his surviving family.
> Jerry Frank
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