[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Where did they go?

Jack Milner wjmilner at shaw.ca
Sun Sep 2 10:36:28 PDT 2012

After WW I: They were possibly assisted by the Fu"rsorgeverein deutscher 
Ru"ckwanderer (Welfare Association for German Repatriates). A 
Ru"ckwanderer is a citizen returning to his home country after being 
abroad. This association helped ethnic Germans return to Germany and 
aided with their naturalization process until 1918, perhaps later.

Article translation can be viewed at:


Jack Milner

On 02/09/2012 8:44 AM, Kerstin Petersen wrote:
> My grandparents told me, they went to Berlin and contacted some employment offiice there. From there they were offered jobs. My grandparents went to Nordschleswig (northern part of Schleswig Holstein) and after WW1 this part was given back to Denmark.
> Regards
> Kerstin Petersen
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