[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Neustadt in der Lubliner Gegend

Efhensel at aol.com Efhensel at aol.com
Sat Jun 16 10:54:16 PDT 2012

Dear list members, 
Ludwig Schlacht (Schlack oder ähnlich) tells in his naturalization  papers 
in USA, that he was born in  1864
in Neustad, Poland.   
He married Ida Kessler, born in 1871 in  Nowina,Wlodawa,(Turno),     around 
1889/1890,    presumably still in the Lublin area (before emigrating),   I  
therefore assume that he was also born in the Lublin area.
Was there a village named Neustadt in the Lublin area? I don't know the  
Polish or Russian name of the place.
Or, which Neustadt would still be fairly close to Lublin area?
Obviously it would help very much to find this marriage.
Are there any emigration papers available for this area?
Has anybody come across the surname Schlacht or similar in the Lublin  area?
Thanks for any hints.
Eckhard (Hensel)

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