[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Kratzke, Ott Marschal, Fuchs

Linda Marks Pauling lmpauling at utech.net
Sat Jun 2 10:47:01 PDT 2012

Hello Natalie,
Looking at the ages of your passengers, I checked the Lipno confirmation 
records from 1901-1906... they are filmed from 1867 to 1906. If your 
passengers were confirmed about age 15, they would be confirmed about 1903, 
but I did not find them there, although I do see lots of Kratzke entries, 
most earlier. I did find an Emma Amanda Marschal *18 March 1889 in Lubin and 
confirmed in 1903. She is the daughter of Fryderyk Marschal and Luiza 

There is also a Kratzke family in Barany. parents are Jakob Kratzke and 
Ludwika Grenke. I find confirmation of 2 of their children: Pauline *3 June 
1888 and confirmed in 1903 and Julius *1891 and confirmed in 1905.

It is possible that these passengers are from the Lipno daughter church in 

Kikol is nw of Lipno about 5 miles and Barany is sw of Lipno. I do not know 
if "Pfonko" could possibly be Prochnica also in the Lipno parish. In that 
parish in the confirmation records I see 2 Kratzke families... Michal 
Kratzke & Krystyna Grenke and Jakob Kratzke & Anna Schilke.

I do not know if any of this connects with the information you have. I can 
check others for you born between 1852 and 1891 in Lipno if you have the 
information, but I will be gone for the next week or so.
Linda Pauling

"... for such a time as this..." Esther 4:14

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Natalie Nieminen" <natalie.nieminen at gmail.com>
To: <ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 5:00 AM
Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Kratzke, Ott Marschal, Fuchs

> Hi,
> I'm searching for a possible connection with my family tree. I've found a
> passenger ship record from Hamburg to New York on the vessel Moltke. It
> lists three people aged 17 travelling from Russia (Kikol and Pfonko or
> Pforrko?) in 1905. The people travelling are Anna Kratzke, Ferdinand 
> Fuchs,
> and Euphrosine Ott. It seems Anna and Euphrosine are both cousins of Emma
> Marschal who is listed as their contact in the U.S. and Ferdinand is going
> to visit an acquaintance at the same address of Emma. His friend is Jacob
> Fehlam. Does anyone have any information about how these families are
> connected?  Those being visited are in Mount Vernon, New York, near
> Brooklyn at the exact address where my relative Adolf Kratzke lived just
> two years prior.
> Also, are Kikol and Pfonko near each other?  Are they near Barany or
> Baranons which is where all the other passenger ship records of my family
> state as the place of origin?
> Natalie
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