[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] scanned Warszawa Lutheran and Reformed Lutheran church records

Albert Muth albertmuth734 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 19:56:47 PDT 2011

LDS 17 Lutheran films for Warsaw, two Reformed Lutheran.  All available now
in online scans.  Ending in 1862 on film.  You'll need to check the websites
yourself if you are interested in later records (there are gaps).

Warszawa Lutheran http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/72/181/0/-/str/1/#tab2

Warszawa Reformed Lutheran http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/72/182/0/-/

This is only for the *city of Warsaw* and surrounding area.  The gubernia
was MUCH larger.  See the map named "Podział Królestwa Polskiego na gubernie
i powiaty (1907)" at this website:  http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gubernia.
You will find it on the right side of the page counting the maps till you
reach 5 (the fifth one down).   The direct link to the map is:

For example, my grandfather was born in the parish of Przedecz, located in
the powiat of Włocławek in the Warszawa gouvernate, *143 kilometers* to the
West of the capital city.  While knowing the gubernia narrows your search
somewhat, records are not indexed in a central location anywhere in Poland.
(Many US states have always had centralized indices, though these are not
necessarily available online).

The link to the records for Warszawa takes you to the scans.  There is
*no*computer-ready index.  You will need to check year by year. Within
the year,
there are usually separate indices for birth, marriage and death.  It will
take quite a bit of searching to find them.  For example, in Lutheran
Warsaw, there are 243 digital images for the year 1830.  On screen one, you
will see JPG files 1-10.  At the bottom of the page, there seem to be 25
screens available for the year (ten JPG's each? or less).  The visible
options to click on are the following:  *1*
3 <http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/72/181/0/-/3/str/1/3/#tab2>
10 <http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/72/181/0/-/3/str/1/10/#tab2>
12 <http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/72/181/0/-/3/str/1/12/#tab2>
14 <http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/72/181/0/-/3/str/1/14/#tab2> ...
23 <http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/72/181/0/-/3/str/1/23/#tab2>
25 <http://szukajwarchiwach.pl/72/181/0/-/3/str/1/25/#tab2>   However, I had
to SEARCH with some difficulty for the birth index (screen 9 JPG #90 AND
screen 10 JPG's 91-92) and the marriage index (screen 16, JPG's 156-158).

It is SO easy to complain about inconvenience, but we should be thankful for
so many things first:

   - that the records were generated
   - that the record books survived to the present day
   - that technology makes it possible for us to gain access to the records
   - that circumstances in Poland are such that authorities have granted the
   right to display the images

I could easily continue listing many more things to be grateful for in this
context, but the fact remains:

The easy and FREE (gratis!) availability of these records is absolutely
meaningless without volunteers to index them.  Do not expect these records
to be indexed by ancestry.com <http://www.ancestry.com/> or
familysearch.org<http://www.familysearch.org/>  Indexing
the records in Polish and Russian for Germans living in Russian Poland will
only happen in a specialized genealogy group (hmmm. that would be THIS
handwritten texts of any sort.  A person has to do it in real time.
Volunteer to do so.  That means a lot for work, no financial benefit.

The research committee at SGGEE would LOVE to hear that you are interested
in collaborating on an index project.  The Warsaw project is one that
volunteers can do AT HOME using your their computers.  There is no need to
set foot in a Family History Center.  You may work any of the seven days in
the week, at any time of the day.

Al Muth

Michigan USA

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