[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Mormonen-Film Kruczwica

Petra Serwaty petra at serwaty.de
Wed Nov 16 01:13:25 PST 2011

Currently I’m looking for more information on my ancestors (Drews), of whom I also found entries of children in the microfilmed evangelical church registers (1791 – 1828) of Strzelno. In this filmy are some entries from Kruczwica (Kruschwitz) from 1828.
I also found traces of children of another Drews-Family from 1791 onwards (however I’m not sure whether they belong to my family) in a neighboring place (Dembowo and Lonke which are both close to Strzelno).
Unfortunately there are no registered weddings for Strzelno in the archive in Inowroclaw and in the archive of the Mormons for this time span.
The parish of Strzelno only got founded in 1791.

I heard that those registers previously got made at the Catholic Church in Kruczwica.
Concerning this there is a microfilm with births, weddings (1770–1814) and deaths (1770–1814) (Nr. 2005193 Items 3-13) and another microfilm called ‘land register of the King’ Dormainen Amts Kruszwik 1779–1833’ (Nr. 474701) at the Mormons.

Has anyone of you maybe taken a look at this microfilm before and can therefore tell me whether there are also entries about Dembowo and Lonke registered?
If not, can anybody tell me where I could find information concerning these places for up to 1800?

I hope, someone of you can help me.

Please answer in simple and short sentences, then I can translate it well. The above text was translated by my son, so he is definitely correct  :-)

Kind regards
Petra (Serwaty)


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