[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] placename

karlann at juno.com karlann at juno.com
Tue May 31 16:48:37 PDT 2011

I suspect your family may have been from the Zhitomir region, as Kleschke, Karalow and Malin are all names of towns or villages in that area as well.
Karla Walters
I am finding possible locations for my Geike and its varient spellings. 
Klestsch, Kluschtschin , Klebtsche and Karalow apparently are various spellings of a village near Romansdorf ,Oleswaka,Radonyshl and Ludwigsdorf and possible Malin and Grunwald. all I think in the Kiev parish in the 1800's.
Any help in determining the correct spelling and location would greatfully accepted

Jim Geike


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