[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] translationservice in genealogienetz

Paul Rakow rakow at ifh.de
Mon Jul 4 12:35:58 PDT 2011

   Hallo Irmgard!

        Der Translationsservice ist leider seit viele Jahre kaputt.
  Ich habe fruher mitgemacht, ich habe Ueberstezungen #GER>ENG
  gemacht, und es hat spass gemmacht, 1 oder 2 mal in die Woche
  eine kurz Text zu uebersetzen.

        Es ist schade das es jetzt nicht geht, weil es sehr hifreich war.

             Paul Rakow


      Irmgard has asked about the old genealogy translation service
  that Arthur Teschler used to run back in the '90s. It was a clever
  idea - you would e-mail in a short text that you wanted translated,
  the computer would forward it on to a HUMAN volunteer translator, who
  would usually manage a much better translation than babelfish or
  googletrans (though you might have to wait a few days for the result).
  I used to be one of the volunteers, mainly translating German to
  English. You could set a limit on how many messages per week you would
  volunteer to do.

       It was a very sensible system, it prevented duplication of effort,
  as each translation request only went to one person. Occasionally there
  were minor problems, such as school-children hoping to have their
  homework done for them, but mostly it ran pretty smoothly. Is there
  anyone out there good enough with computers to revive a system like that?

> Liebe Listenfreunde,
> wei? jemand warum der Translationsservice von genealogienetz nicht
> reagiert? Habe mehrere Anfragen an den Administrator gestellt f?r  eine
> ?bersetzung, bekomme aber keine Antwort.
> wenn jemand etwas wei?, bitte bescheid geben.
> vielen Dank
> Irmgard Hensel

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